A look at inland rail in Ipswich

I wanted to share an article about the inland rail project which will improve the connection between QLD and NSW for freight, because it’s relevant to Walloon.

This article contains a flyover through a number of small towns in QLD, and terminates around 15 minutes drive from Walloon.

It shows how the inland rail is designed as a strategic transport line that will deliver to and from the Ipswich area, in particular from areas west of Ipswich, like the medium impact industrial area I shared earlier in the year.

Of course, it will take time for this infrastructure to be delivered, but it supports the long term outlook we have for the area.

It augments the growth of Ipswich’s population and industry in the priority development area.

Read the full article here -


Logan Schools: Enrolment rating for all schools

School 2_1500.png

Here’s another article on the growing population in Logan (specifically school enrolments in Greenbank/ Park Ridge and Beenleigh). It follows the trend of population growth in Brisbane’s south along the north/ south road corridors.

If you want to look at the specifics, click the link below. If you’re too busy, then the article tells us that enrolments in our areas have significantly increased.

Nige comment: Of course, education infrastructure is an important consideration for property investors, but it’s worth thinking why.

Good, accessible schools appeal to parents who are busy heading off to work in the morning. This is a dominant emotional and logical issue that prospective tenants will generally consider after their prime consideration: the amount of rent they can afford. A property located close to schools has high tenant appeal.

Once tenants have selected an area and their kids are growing older, they become less willing to create disruption by moving. It’s the same for all of us but as owners we are far better off without tenants coming and going. A property located close to schools has low tenant volatility.

Anyway, click away if you like and always feel free to touch base with me to say hi, or ask about running your property, your loans or doing your tax.

Harvest Rise Update: Population growth

As usual, I’ve been looking for information that updates you on the market in and around Harvest Rise.

Capital city projections

BIS Oxford has released data projecting growth in capital cities, with Brisbane at 20% growth by 2022.

Nige comment: While this is good news, it’s hard to say if it will materialise as the report doesn’t offer great detail relating to their sources. I’m not suspicious of BIS Oxford, they are a reputable company, but 20% growth is a big number and I am happy to wait and see before I get too excited.

Logan council boundary changes

The upcoming Logan Council Elections are planned for March 2020 and as a result of population growth in our area, and in the vicinity, the council boundaries have been redrawn.

Three relevant council divisions have been modified with expectations of a combined population increase of 10,000 residents.

Nige comment: These changes are made based on information from public servants, consultants, planners
and consider known development approvals. Whether the population increases within the timelines stated, it’s a great indicator of coming population growth.


Feel free to stop reading here (I know you’re all busy and may prefer just this summary), but additional details are provided below, as follows:

- Update on 3 x council divisions,
- Photo of 2 relevant division boundaries, and
- A table of projected growth in Australian capital cities from BIS Oxford.